Friday, July 10, 2009

Michael Jackson King of Pop

Michael Joeseph Jackson August 29 1958- June 24 2009
Michael Jackson was the king of pop. He faced child molestiation allegations. I am firm in my beleif that he did not abouse a child. Michael sang two songs, "Leave me Alone" which is what he wanted the public to do, but did they no they just found more reasons to torment him, and"Scream" which is what he wanted to do.
The only reasom MJ bleached his skin was because he had a skin disease, vitaligo, and he didnt want big splotches of white here and there he wanted an even skin tone. Who would want to look like a used paint canvas. To me MJ's skin transformation showed that white or black you are the same inside, he was the same singer, the same humanitarian, the same fater to his 3 children.
I hear people say,"What 50 year old still likes peter pan?" I think that he didnt have a child hood because he was so famous and that he likes child hood things. But other people say he built neverloand to lure little boys. I am firm in my beleif that MJ would NEVER abuse in any way a child. HE was too good of a person if you look back at his life.
All of my friends think he is a perv mde out of plastic but I think he was just a normal person faced with the stress of a star. Whenever anything came up tabloids blew it out of proportion. What the tabloids do is wrong not Michael Jackson.
Feel free to comment.
And yes, I do wish peace to MJ. May he get some in death because he got NONE in life

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